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I don know. Maybe it time to have a really hard conversation with my canada goose factory outlet vancouver parents. They tell me they disappointed in me, but that nothing new. I had trouble with it myself, but hung in there because I really liked mistborn and his wheel of time books, I glad I kept canada goose outlet los angeles going! A guy at summer camp years ago, read way of kings when I let him borrow it.He struggled with canada goose coats on sale it plenty, but ultimately kept going due to having no other books. He definitely enjoyed it, by the time it got really good, but may very well have given up if he had other options. Something like Mistborn would have been an easier read and given him more patience.I believe Brandon said something like its good to trust canada goose uk black friday him first before reading way of kings.If you read mistborn does canada goose have a black friday sale which is one of his easiest books to get into, you hopefully find canada goose sale uk ladies that you like his books and then are able to be patient with Stormlight, until it picks up.I will say that you absolutely should read the standalone book, Warbreaker before you read Stormlight 2.


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